
Presents from Santa Claus / サンタクロースのプレゼント


This morning a beautiful scent of rose woke me up, which was a miniature rose “Ben Moon”(a small pink rose shown at lower right in the picture above), she finally started to bloom.
I could have a very happy beginning of the day with my wake-up in such a sweet way.
And soon after that, a very big package was delivered,  which there were 3 kinds of roses I ordered the other day in the box.
and then I found it's Christmas Eve today.
On the Christmas night this year, it will be more wonderful and merrier night than the last year’s one with many kinds of roses fairies as well as Santa Claus...hahaha...
( 今朝、とっても良い香りがしたので、目が覚めた。
明日のクリスマスの夜は、サンタクロースの他に薔薇の妖精たちも大勢集うステキで賑やかな夜になりそう。 笑)

Potted miniature roses I am growing have been growing well, so I  am starting to grow non-miniature roses, too.
( 鉢植えのミニバラたちは、すくすく育ってくれているので、今度は、鉢植えで薔薇の大苗も育てる。
All of three roses I got this time are strongly perfumed roses:
First one, Yves Piaget (shown at the left) – deep pink color and really large flowered rose as much as 15cm in diameter, looks like Paeoniae Radix.
What I got already had two big buds of the flower, and it seems to bloom soon because it’s getting bigger and bigger, but I have never seen such big flower buds as much as almost the size of my fist! (see upper left in the first pictuture shown above)
It’s already perfumed well, and I am almost addicted to the beautiful scent already, so it seems that I cannot get away from the rose…hahaha…
 ( 1つ目は、イヴ・ピアッチェ(写真左) という濃いピンク色系の薔薇は、芍薬のように大輪で15cmくらいの花を咲かせるそうで、既に蕾が2つ開花間近で膨らんでいて、私のにぎりこぶしに近いほどの大きさもある。(1枚目の写真の左上の2つのつぼみ)

Second one, Ebb Tide (shown at the left) – Purple Rose with the petals like velvets.
This rose also has intoxicating scent.
( 2つ目は、エブタイド(写真左) という 花びらがビロードのような紫色の薔薇。

And Third one, Friesia (shown at the right) – real yellow color perfumed rose.
I had wanted for a real yellow color perfumed rose in tough kinds of roses, though there are not much such yellow roses, and finally I could met this.
( そして 3つ目、フリージア(写真右) と言う名前の香りも良く本当に黄色の色をした薔薇。 

As the most of the readers know, I am a very night person, but lately I wake up almost with the morning sun to let all of my sweet roses bask in the sun, and I often work from morning, not in the midnight...
And later night I kiss the roses and go to bed…
( 私は夜型なのをご存知な方は多いと思いますが、最近、朝日と共に起きて、バラたちを日向ぼっこさせ、朝から仕事をすることが多い。

It seems that I will have a very lovely Christmas…
I think realizing and finding something invisible is also the beginning of experiencing various wonderful magics like the Santa Claus story.
( 今年はステキなクリスマスになりそう☆

I wish you a very merry Christmas!




SEPHA Garden / SEPHA ガーデン


The picture shown above is the so-called SEPHA Garden in my room (hahaha...), which is still under construction now, and the roses (Hermes, Ben Moon, Sanremo Foever) I am growing in the garden.
( 写真上は、只今、建設途中の通称SEPHAガーデン(笑)と、私が室内で栽培中の薔薇たち(エルメス、ベンムーン、サンレモ・フォーエヴァー)。

They bloom one right after another even in Winter because all of them are some of the kinds which bloom in four seasons, and the Orange Three Sisters (the picture shown at the left), which I call them as, are blooming now finally.                                                  
What I grow so far in there are potted miniture roses, but even it's called as "Miniture" roses, some of them have the size as large as 8cm meters or so in diameter, such as Sanremo Forever (the picture shown at the left) etc. Cool!                                                               
 ( 全て四季咲きの品種なので、冬でも入れ替わり立ち代り異なる薔薇が花を咲かせてくれているのですが、その中でも「オレンジ3姉妹」(写真左)と私が呼んでいた薔薇たちがようやく咲きました。
私が育てているのは鉢植えの「ミニバラ」と言われるものですが、それでも花の直径が8cm位あるものもあります( 写真左のサンレモフォーエバーなど)。)

Probably the next week, a new potted rose also will be a part of the SEPHA Garden.
Outside it's getting colder day by day in Winter, but the SEPHA Garden will be Spring all through the year.
( 来週、新しい仲間が1種類、SEPHAガーデンにやってくる予定です。
外は、日に日に寒くなる冬ですが、SEPHAガーデンは、1年中、春って感じになりそうです~♪  。 )

They speak to me a lot, especially during my work...hahaha...
(  よくバラ達に話しかけられる私です。 特に仕事中に。笑 )




Wish on the shooting stars / 流れ星に願いを


I heard that we can have much chance to see the Geminid meteor shower tonight.
In Japan, it says that the recommended time to view it is from 10:00pm on Dec.14th to 3:00am on Dec.15th., and you do not have to worry about the viewing direction particularly.
( 本日、ふたご座流星群が、見えるらしいですよ。
日本では、14日22時~15日の明け方3時頃がお勧めで、見る方向は特に気にする必要はないんですって。 )

I hope your wishing on the shooting stars also come true :)
( その流れ星にお願いした皆様の願い事も叶うといいですね。)

Do not catch a cold!
                        ( 風邪ひかないようにネ。 )
