
Wish on the shooting stars / 流れ星に願いを


I heard that we can have much chance to see the Geminid meteor shower tonight.
In Japan, it says that the recommended time to view it is from 10:00pm on Dec.14th to 3:00am on Dec.15th., and you do not have to worry about the viewing direction particularly.
( 本日、ふたご座流星群が、見えるらしいですよ。
日本では、14日22時~15日の明け方3時頃がお勧めで、見る方向は特に気にする必要はないんですって。 )

I hope your wishing on the shooting stars also come true :)
( その流れ星にお願いした皆様の願い事も叶うといいですね。)

Do not catch a cold!
                        ( 風邪ひかないようにネ。 )
