
SEPHA music promotional video / SEPHA (セファ) の音楽プロモ・ビデオ


SEPHA was born in the Ocean, and grew up in Outer Space, with Cosmic Language.
(SEPHA (セファ) は、海で生まれて、コズミック・ランゲージと共に宇宙育ち。)

The song "Born In The Ocean" is a kind of my theme song since this song was born, though I know my old fans have known well about this.
(『Born In The Ocean(海で生まれて)』というこの曲は、SEPHA(セファ)の昔からのファンの皆様にはおなじみなのですが、この曲ができて以来、SEPHA(セファ)のテーマソングみたいなものになっている曲。)

I first was not gonna create any new videos for my old songs, but since those two best albums of mine were released last month, Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up) and Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down) , much to my delight, I have got many emails and requests especially from my old fans that they want to see also the videos for those songs, so I decided to create new videos for some of those songs :)
(最初、自分のどの昔の曲のプロモ・ビデオも新しく作る予定はなかったのだけれど、先月2枚のベスト版アルバム『 コズミック・ランゲージ (コズミック・ポップ・サニー・サイド・アップ) 』と『 コズミック・ランゲージ (コズミック・ポップ・サニー・サイド・ダウン) 』を発売以来、嬉しいことに特に昔からのファンの方々から沢山のEメールや、「アルバム収録の楽曲のビデオも見たい!」というリクエストも数多く頂き、この2枚のアルバム収録のいくつかの楽曲のための新しいビデオも作ることにしました!)

Thank you very much for all of those of your requests and cordial emails from many countries around the world.
I read every email always happily with full of my smile :)
Thank you all very much!

Here is the first new video from those albums,
"Born In The Ocean" - my personally special song and so are for my old fans.
I hope all of you enjoy this, and am looking forward to seeing all of you through the next world tour "Cosmic Opera"!
(この2枚のアルバムからの最初の新しいビデオ、『Born In The Ocean(海で生まれて)』です。


with Love, Beauty, Music, Art from Outer Space,

Sepha (セファ)


Updated from Outer Space! / 宇宙から更新!


Hello Everyone!
I'm updating my blog for the first time in about two months, since I am not on the earth.
Sorry for my silence for a little while.
I've been writing, composing, and recording Cosmic Opera in the Outer Space.
On the earth, recently the following two albums of mine have been just released! 

(皆様、お久しぶりです :)

On a beautiful day with a rainbow appearing in the sky, a Sunny-Side Up egg on your table will start to sing songs for you.
When the egg sings, it turns to be a gold phonodisc on the earth.


When the side A of the phonodisc is played, the sun will appear, which SEPHA says that is "Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up" in Cosmic Language.

(そのレコードの表がかかっている時は、太陽が現れ、それを、Cosmic Language(コズミック・ランゲージ)では、Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up (コズミック・ポップのサニー・サイド・アップ(目玉焼きの表側)) とSEPHA(セファ)は言う。)

SEPHA on the album cover photographed by Lori Ono
Click on " SEPHA Style Vol.2: Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up) " to check the sounds!  (リンクをクリックして試聴!)

When the side B of the phonodisc is played, the moon will appear, which SEPHA says that is"Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down" in Cosmic Language.

(そのレコードの裏がかかっている時は、月が現れ、それを、Cosmic Language(コズミック・ランゲージ)では、Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down (コズミック・ポップのサニー・サイド・ダウン(目玉焼きの裏側)) とSEPHA(セファ)は言う。)
SEPHA on the album cover photographed by Lori Ono
Click on "SEPHA Style Vol.3: Cosmic Language(Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down)" to check the sounds! (リンクをクリックして試聴!)

These two best digital albums shown above have  been released recently worldwide, following the best instrumental songs album “SEPHA Style Vol.1 / The Androgynous Sound”, and are also the introduction to the main story of "Cosmic Opera", which is the SEPHA's new album to be released in next year after a long interval.
Downloading them is available on iTunes, CDBABY and more.

(先日、上記2枚のSEPHA(セファ)のデジタル版のベスト版アルバムが、先に発売中の「SEPHA Style Vol.1: The Androgynous Sound」に続き、世界で発売開始になり、iTunesやCDBABY等でもダウンロードが可能になりました。

For more detail about these two albums, Please see Here!
I hope you enjoy these :)


Thank you all, always!

 with Love, Beauty, Music, Art, from Outer Space,



Nu-Jazz Cosmic Grooves from Outer Space / 宇宙からニュー・ジャズのコズミック・グルーヴ


My album "The Androgynous Sound" is introduced on the AllAboutJazz site
Please Take a look! Thank you :) :)

SEPHA on iTunes & SEPHA on MyspaceMusic for this album

( 私のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound (アンドロジナス・サウンド)" が AllAboutJazz (オール・アバウト・ジャズ)のサイトで紹介されています♪ :)
是非、ちょっと覗いてみてみて下さいネ☆:):) )

このアルバムの SEPHA の iTunes & SEPHA の MyspaceMusic

Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1996 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Enjoy the Cosmic Grooves ♪  ♪ ♪ ♪

The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available in August 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


An Invisible Man / 透明人間


Why we cannot see what we cannot see is that there has something unapparent.

Sometimes we cannot see it because we have never seen it.

What we see now is not all of what we see actually, either.

If what we see usually is our small world made only with what we have known actually;
When we are looking at and watching something we cannot see, not seeing it, we will know that a world far in the distance spreading over us is coming closer to us.

Sensing and believing what we sense open the doors for us to offer various kinds of ways of viewing, experiences, and meetings.

So, I think, in this world, we can actually see also the world we want to see which we have not yet seen.
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved





(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"An Invisble Man" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available in August 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


What Surprising Birthday Presents! / 驚きのバースデー・プレゼント


A short time ago I watched the monthly digital sales report of my music for May, which was sent from a digital music distributor.

This showed me that there was a jump in the sales around and on my birthday.

Probably the friends of mine through the world who have remembered my birthday, Facebook friends who knew my birthday on there, etc., I think they downloaded my album or songs as their birthday presents for me…

What a happy and nice surprise ! ! ! ! !
I was overwhelmed with gratitude to them :) :)

If I could know all the people’s email addresses who downloaded my music, I do really want to email each of them to say thank you !!, and of course, also to the people who downloaded my music before.
I wonder if there is any application or function on iTunes that make it possible for all the people who download my music to leave their email addresses, if they want...
Does anyone know that? Please tell me about that!

Of course, other people who downloaded my music at other days than my birthday, I really appreciate them, too!
Thank you :) :)

This Spring, personally I had hardships in my life, and still have been struggling against those.
So this happy surprising made me feel really happy!

"Thank you all for your birthday presents for me with your downloading my music!"
I really appreciate all of your warm feelings :) :)

With my Kisses and Hugs to all of you from Outer Space☆


Please enjoy Today's Music shown below, too. I've just uploaded it!




知ってる方いましたら、是非、教えて下さい ! !








 Music of the day / 本日の音楽:
(I've just upladed this on the following site / 以下のサイトにアップロードしたてです♪)

"Break the Wall"
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)2002 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album is avilable worldwide on iTunes and more!
And you can check other downlodable sites on here: http://www.sephastyle.com/e_link.html
(このアルバムはiTunes 等でワールドワイドにダウンロードをできます!
もしくは、こちらのサイトで: http://www.sephastyle.com/j_link.html )


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available in August 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


A Flames Keeper’s Daydream / 炎の番人の白日夢


Suddenly I got a heavy drowsiness, and fell into a deep slumber without any resistance.

There is "one who is waiting for something being born".

And there is "something being born".

A flames keeper is between them.

Both of them are seeing something in their dreams each other.

At the crossover region in their dreams, something comes into existence in this world…

If someone never wants something, that something never comes into existence with that someone.
(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.

( 突然の眠気に誘われて、深い眠りに落ちてみる。





その何かは、望む人の所にしか生まれない。 )
(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"A Flames Keeper's Daydream" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1994 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available in August 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The rainbow sand / 虹の砂


Fragrance of the moon brought with the jewels fallen out of the sky

A shooting star sliding on the velvet night sky

The rainbow sand born between the moon and the sun

When the boundary between dream and reality is gone, your wish come true.

The magical rainbow sand has been bringing you such moments...
(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.

( 空から零れ落ちた宝石が運んでくる月の香り。




(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.

The last Friday, May 28th, I took one day off for my birthday celebration, so I did not update my blog.
I had a great birthday.
I really appreciate all the frequent readers of my blog.
Thank you.

( 先週の金曜日の28日は、私の生まれた日だったので、誕生日休暇を1日頂き、ブログをお休みさせて頂きました。
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"A midsummer night balloon" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1994 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Space swimmers / 宇宙のスイマーたち


Some fish walk on the ground,
Some fish fly in the air.

Some fish dive into the ocean with their eyes closed because they dread water,
Some fish fall from the sky with rain.

Even if those have turned into our distant memories,
We love swimming like loving what you love,
and now we are swimming in space.

Even if it is flying in the air or walking on the ground, that’s made from music.

Catching every flowing melody in time makes the border between heaven and earth fade out,
and rhythm is born in every world you make,
which is like the waves of Cosmic Ocean loving each other.

And now we are swimming in space...
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved






(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The sun fallen on the ground / 地上に落ちた太陽


Her words are like a wind.
It's hard to catch it, hard to catch it...

 “I  couldn’t  r e a c h  oufor... the  s u n...

So I  a s k e d  y o u

to  p i c k   u p  the sun...

f a l l e n  on the ground...”
(C)1997 Sepha-All Rights Reserved


 「タ  ヨ  に...が ト   な  
、 お   、 

 オ   し   ...
   っ   げ ...。」)
(C)1997 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"The Sun fallen on the ground" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1997 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


What the fish bones told me (14) / 魚の骨が教えてくれたこと (14)


The preveous story(13) is shown on

If you suffer from a fish bone in your throat you got, all you have to do is to swallow a chunk of rice without chewing.

If you suffer from words choked up in your throat, all you have to do is to kiss the sweetest one you love and whisper the words tenderly at your sweetest one’s ear.

 Those are what the fish bones told me.

 I have been searching for the constellation Fish Bones.

 Thank you for a gold shooting star, the Fish Bones.
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved





(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved 
"Fish Bones / 魚の骨"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見られます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"Surprise! Surprise!"
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)2003 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album is avilable worldwide on iTunes and more!
And you can check other downlodable sites on here: http://www.sephastyle.com/e_link.html
(このアルバムはiTunes 等でワールドワイドにダウンロードをできます!
もしくは、こちらのサイトで: http://www.sephastyle.com/j_link.html )


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The color orange(13) / オレンジ色(13)


The preveous story(12) is shown on

When both the moon and the sun appear, the most intellectual orange color is born.
I heard the color orange is the most intellectual color on the earth.

The most intellectual act would be made with creativity which makes us possible to enjoy and appreciate our own lives through hard times and good times, and that is always brought with a lot of love.

Light is Fire and Fire is Light.
Dark is both the deep blue light and the deep blue fire.
In the dark, Intellect lain hidden is there, and the deep blue turns into the orange with love.

I heard the color orange is the most intellectual color on the earth.
I heard the most intellectual orange color is born when both the moon and the sun appear.
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved




(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
   "African Mask / アフリカン・マスク"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見られます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Baby-blue Sunshine(12) / ベビー・ブルー・サンシャイン(12)


The preveous story(11) is shown on

Delight in Zero gravity
I am walking on the ocean under the baby-blue sunshine.

Released my heart and soul, evolving faster more than at the speed in Mach,
and I could touch a supernal blue flower.

Everything unnecessary cast away
Now all I have is only what I create every day,
the people to share those with, and the delight derived from that.

Delight in Zero gravity
I am walking on the ocean under the baby-blue sunshine.
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved



(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved 
  "Rocket 7 / ロケット 7"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1993 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"Mother Ocean" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html