
A Transexual Plant / 性転換する植物


Doesn't it look like an alien under a leaf umbrella?
If you meet many of them under the moonlight, definitely they will look like the aliens just paid a visit to Earth!
( これ夜中に見たら、葉っぱの傘の下にエイリアンがいるように見えるかも。
月夜の下でこの植物が大量に生えてる姿を見たら、絶対、地球に下りてきたばかりのエイリアンに見えるはず。 )
This is called as “Urashimasou” in Japanese. (Arisaema urashima - Species of cobra lily)
This Japanese name comes from the main charcter in the Japanese folk tale ” Urashima and the Kingdom Beneath the Sea”, since the snake-tongue-look-like part in the flower shape seems to also Tarou Urashima  casting his fishing line.
( この植物の名前は、ウラシマソウ
花の姿が釣り糸を垂れている浦島太郎に似ていることに由来するらしい。 )
It is said that this plant is famous also as a Hermaphrodite (Transsexual Plant), which turns into Hermaphrodite, Male, or Female depending on the amount of sunlight.
( 性転換する植物として有名。
日照量条件下では両性具有期、雄性期、雌性期をもつらしい。 )

This plant looks also like a snake lifting its head high if seen from a distance.
This is poisonous plant.
Maybe, any existences with some poisonous prepared as a gift from above, might be one of some sort of sacred ones in this world, in a meaning, I think.
Because of the poisons, they will not be abused in this world.
But I think the most of the so-called poisons in this world will be amazing medicines, too.
( 遠くから見ると頭をもたげた舌を出す蛇にも見える。
毒ゆえに乱用されることも阻まれるし。でも、殆どの毒は、驚くほどの素晴らしい薬にもなる。 )

"Urashimasou", this look really has a strong individuality, but for me, I really feel a certain and special mystique in this plant, so I like this.
( この植物の姿、超個性強いけど、私はある種の神秘性を感じるので好き。)


Sepha (セファ)


A dragon from the Sea God's Palace / リュウグウノツカイ


Regalecus glesne Ascanius (the pictures shown above and below):
I like the Japanese name of this fish with an air of fantasy, "Ryuuguu-no-Tsukai", which means a messenger from the Sea God's Palace.
It looks like a drgon in the sea.
Some says that the legend of the mermaid might come from this.
I heard this fish grows up to 12m in length.
I also like a red fin on the head a lot. (the picture shown below)
Isn't it so cool?

( リュウグウノツカイ (写真上と下):
赤いたてがみのような部分もとっても素敵。 )

Have a lovely weekend!
See you on Monday again on this blog!

( ステキな週末を!
また月曜日にこのブログでお会いしましょう。 )


Sepha (セファ)


Dear all the friends of mine around the world / 世界中の親愛なる私の友へ


Any sadness in this world will be the seed of beauty in the future.
Your abounding love born from the sadness eventually can produce a flower from the seed.
And the sadness of when the flower is gone also will be beauty in the future eventually, if a flower could be bloomed from the seed.







Coming-of-Age Day / 成人の日


Today, it was a national holiday in Japan for Coming-of-Age Day celebration, which honors young people who have reached the age of 20 as new members of adult society in Japan.

But my Coming-of-Age celebration was made when I reached the age of 18 - though I did not go to any particular celebrating ceremony events for this, my mom forced me to wear the Japanese traditional elegant long-sleeved Kimono which my mom used to wear when she celebrated her coming of age, and she took the commemorative photo of me in the kimono for my coming-of-age celebration...

My first time of going abroad (to the U.S.) alone was when I was 17.
I think my mom already had knew that I would not be in Japan anymore before I reach 20 at that time...
So I did the ceremony and came of age at the age of 18.

I started to live my own at the age of 19 in the U.S., which was the first time for me to do that in my life - I started to live in L.A. to act in/with some European musicians, since I had already started my music activity (Art activity: I had started since the age of 14).

And the life like nomad started in my life....and a long time had passed with various experiences through my music and art activities in many places...

The Album "SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound" (this album cover art shown at the upper left - Photographed by Lori Ono, the cover designed by SEPHA) will be released next month online, which is one of a few albums I am going to release this year.
All contained in this album are my original instrumental songs, which are Jazzy sound of my own overall.

When the sample songs were uploaded on some distributed sites, I will let you all know again on this blog!




まぁ、それから遊牧民のような暮らしが始まり... 沢山の場所での音楽やアート活動を通して、様々な経験をしながら長い年月が経つ...


「SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound」 
(右上がアルバムジャケット: Photographed by Lori Ono, the cover designed by SEPHA)





A blue flower / 青い花


I heard Adenium BONSAI is popular in Taiwan and Southeast Asia, so various kinds of Adenium have been developing, and now there exist many kinds of new Adeniums with various colors and shapes of the flowers and the trees shapes.

I knew about that from what I had an interest in a blue flower through the pictures accidentally I met on some websites:
A few months ago or so, First, I happened to see the flower “DELUX” (the picture shown at the left) in the pictures on some websites.
My first impression was like “interesting and beautiful, but is this blue in the flower real?”
Then after a while since that time, I happened to meet the flower “Indigo Blue” in the pictures on some websites. (the picture shown at the right)
I wondered if that is a real flower, and I wondered if the blue like shown in this picture would really appear actually when the flower blooms, though it seems a kind of out-of-this-world color. But still interesting…”
and I found later that was also a kind of Adenium.

What I have in my hand now is the both seeds.
Let’s see what it will happen from these seeds…
I heard it takes 2 years at least to flower when growing from the seeds.
Now these seeds in my hand look magic seeds for me…
May be the flower color will be rainbow, more than just a kind of blue or blue color…hahaha…

Speaking of A blue flower, I have my original song “A blue flower” which I created and recorded a long time ago, which it is gonna be released in one of a few albums being released this year (probably in the album "Cosmic Language").

This is one of a beautiful slow ballad song in my songs.
In this song, there is a line in the lyrics "I wonder when this blue flower blooms..."
When I met those blue flowers, that reminded me this song of mine and the memory of when I wrote this song...
That was when I got a big broken heart a long time ago... It is one of my good memories now, even though it was very bitter and painful at that time.



I found the other day that there is no blue fower in this kind of plant so far, unfortunately.
Now I wonder what color of flowers will bloom from those seeds I casted...








今年、リリースされる数枚のアルバムの1つ(おそらく「Cosmic Language」というアルバム内 )にこの曲も入る予定。






Power of plants / 植物のパワー


I think plants (including flower and so on such like that) have their own particular powers, and each of their spirits gives our souls a lot of energy like giving us courage, healing etc., through the communication and interaction with them, even without eating them.

Personified spirits of them are often expressed as some of fairies; they are invisible as long as you shut your heart to them, but even if they are invisible to you at first, once both of you two (you and a plant) open up each of the doors to communicate each other, various kinds of journeys will start through the communication, and some of you will have some other new eyes through those, I think.

and I think this is also a part of powers plants have.

With collaborating with people, we have developed better and beneficial things for us till now, but I think collaborating partners to make those will be not only people, but also plants, animals etc., in future, and even the day also will come, which we work and develop something with them following their directions - for example, through the communication with them, we can develop something valuable in cosmic dimensions the plants have, different from our shallow and narrow dimensions.

That does not mean we develop something with them using a part of them physically, which means we work with them actually because they have very deeper and broader perspectives in a cosmic level, and their talents are enormous, and they teach us a lot of things.

If more people could know about this and more people could awake and realize our innate power to be able to make a real communication with them deeply, I think all of us, not only people but also plants, animals and every creature on this earth, we can live with respecting each other deeply in a real meaning, with producing various kinds of valuable and beneficial things for all of us, on the earth in near future. 

That means the world is realized, which is like that Marc Chagall had depicted and showed us in his paintings with his ideal and dream . . . living together in a multi-dimentional world, in a meaning.

I think it is not much far away from today that the day will come.



植物 (花々なども含めて) には、それぞれに特有のパワーがあって、それらを食することなくとも、彼らとのコミュニケートやスキンシップの中で、そのそれぞれが持つスピリットが、勇気を与えてくれたり、癒してくれたり、人々の魂に沢山のエネルギーを与えてくれる。




それは、マルク・シャガールがずっと理想と夢を見て描いてきた彼の中の絵の世界のような世界が、現実化することでもあり、 それは、ある意味、多次元世界における共存。



Sepha (セファ)


The tea of pure organic rosebuds/ 完全オーガニックの薔薇のつぼみのお茶


When I visited at a place the other days, served to me was the pure organic rosebuds tea.

It was first time for me to have it, the tea with a whole rosebud in the cup.
As you can imagine, I was impressed and very happy because I love roses.

I think it is lavish because it’s picked before its blooming and all the essence of the rose is concentrated and in it.

Not to mention the aroma and the beauty, when I had it, the slightly natural sweetness filled my mouth with the beautiful rose aroma.

Of course, we had a superb time with full of stimulating conversation, with having the tea, and he gave me a pack of the pure organic rosebuds tea as a present before my leaving there!

Efficacy of rosebuds:
antibacterial action, anti-inflammatory action, antiallergic property, releasing stress, tranquilizing property, female hormone adjustment, relaxation etc.



先日、完全オーガニック栽培の薔薇の蕾のお茶を訪問先で出され、初めて 薔薇の蕾が丸ごと入ったお茶をいただく。                           


花を咲かせることなく、蕾のうちに刈り取ってしまうのだから、なんとも贅沢なこと..。 そして、蕾には、そのエッセンスが凝縮されているのだし。


そのお茶を飲ませて頂きながら、その方と更に話が弾んだのでした。 そして、なんと帰りに1パックお土産を下さった!


