But my Coming-of-Age celebration was made when I reached the age of 18 - though I did not go to any particular celebrating ceremony events for this, my mom forced me to wear the Japanese traditional elegant long-sleeved Kimono which my mom used to wear when she celebrated her coming of age, and she took the commemorative photo of me in the kimono for my coming-of-age celebration...
My first time of going abroad (to the U.S.) alone was when I was 17.
I think my mom already had knew that I would not be in Japan anymore before I reach 20 at that time...
So I did the ceremony and came of age at the age of 18.
I started to live my own at the age of 19 in the U.S., which was the first time for me to do that in my life - I started to live in L.A. to act in/with some European musicians, since I had already started my music activity (Art activity: I had started since the age of 14).
And the life like nomad started in my life....and a long time had passed with various experiences through my music and art activities in many places...
The Album "SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound" (this album cover art shown at the upper left - Photographed by Lori Ono, the cover designed by SEPHA) will be released next month online, which is one of a few albums I am going to release this year.
All contained in this album are my original instrumental songs, which are Jazzy sound of my own overall.
When the sample songs were uploaded on some distributed sites, I will let you all know again on this blog!
まぁ、それから遊牧民のような暮らしが始まり... 沢山の場所での音楽やアート活動を通して、様々な経験をしながら長い年月が経つ...
「SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound」
(右上がアルバムジャケット: Photographed by Lori Ono, the cover designed by SEPHA)
(右上がアルバムジャケット: Photographed by Lori Ono, the cover designed by SEPHA)