It was first time for me to have it, the tea with a whole rosebud in the cup.
As you can imagine, I was impressed and very happy because I love roses.
I think it is lavish because it’s picked before its blooming and all the essence of the rose is concentrated and in it.
Not to mention the aroma and the beauty, when I had it, the slightly natural sweetness filled my mouth with the beautiful rose aroma.
Of course, we had a superb time with full of stimulating conversation, with having the tea, and he gave me a pack of the pure organic rosebuds tea as a present before my leaving there!
antibacterial action, anti-inflammatory action, antiallergic property, releasing stress, tranquilizing property, female hormone adjustment, relaxation etc.
花を咲かせることなく、蕾のうちに刈り取ってしまうのだから、なんとも贅沢なこと..。 そして、蕾には、そのエッセンスが凝縮されているのだし。
そのお茶を飲ませて頂きながら、その方と更に話が弾んだのでした。 そして、なんと帰りに1パックお土産を下さった!