If you meet many of them under the moonlight, definitely they will look like the aliens just paid a visit to Earth!
( これ夜中に見たら、葉っぱの傘の下にエイリアンがいるように見えるかも。
月夜の下でこの植物が大量に生えてる姿を見たら、絶対、地球に下りてきたばかりのエイリアンに見えるはず。 )
This is called as “Urashimasou” in Japanese. (Arisaema urashima - Species of cobra lily)
This Japanese name comes from the main charcter in the Japanese folk tale ” Urashima and the Kingdom Beneath the Sea”, since the snake-tongue-look-like part in the flower shape seems to also Tarou Urashima casting his fishing line.
( この植物の名前は、ウラシマソウ。
花の姿が釣り糸を垂れている浦島太郎に似ていることに由来するらしい。 )

日照量条件下では両性具有期、雄性期、雌性期をもつらしい。 )
This plant looks also like a snake lifting its head high if seen from a distance.
This is poisonous plant.
Maybe, any existences with some poisonous prepared as a gift from above, might be one of some sort of sacred ones in this world, in a meaning, I think.
Because of the poisons, they will not be abused in this world.
But I think the most of the so-called poisons in this world will be amazing medicines, too.
( 遠くから見ると頭をもたげた舌を出す蛇にも見える。
毒ゆえに乱用されることも阻まれるし。でも、殆どの毒は、驚くほどの素晴らしい薬にもなる。 )
"Urashimasou", this look really has a strong individuality, but for me, I really feel a certain and special mystique in this plant, so I like this.
( この植物の姿、超個性強いけど、私はある種の神秘性を感じるので好き。)
Sepha (セファ)