
The rainbow sand / 虹の砂


Fragrance of the moon brought with the jewels fallen out of the sky

A shooting star sliding on the velvet night sky

The rainbow sand born between the moon and the sun

When the boundary between dream and reality is gone, your wish come true.

The magical rainbow sand has been bringing you such moments...
(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.

( 空から零れ落ちた宝石が運んでくる月の香り。




(C)2010 Sepha- All Rights Reaserved.

The last Friday, May 28th, I took one day off for my birthday celebration, so I did not update my blog.
I had a great birthday.
I really appreciate all the frequent readers of my blog.
Thank you.

( 先週の金曜日の28日は、私の生まれた日だったので、誕生日休暇を1日頂き、ブログをお休みさせて頂きました。
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"A midsummer night balloon" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1994 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Space swimmers / 宇宙のスイマーたち


Some fish walk on the ground,
Some fish fly in the air.

Some fish dive into the ocean with their eyes closed because they dread water,
Some fish fall from the sky with rain.

Even if those have turned into our distant memories,
We love swimming like loving what you love,
and now we are swimming in space.

Even if it is flying in the air or walking on the ground, that’s made from music.

Catching every flowing melody in time makes the border between heaven and earth fade out,
and rhythm is born in every world you make,
which is like the waves of Cosmic Ocean loving each other.

And now we are swimming in space...
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved






(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The sun fallen on the ground / 地上に落ちた太陽


Her words are like a wind.
It's hard to catch it, hard to catch it...

 “I  couldn’t  r e a c h  oufor... the  s u n...

So I  a s k e d  y o u

to  p i c k   u p  the sun...

f a l l e n  on the ground...”
(C)1997 Sepha-All Rights Reserved


 「タ  ヨ  に...が ト   な  
、 お   、 

 オ   し   ...
   っ   げ ...。」)
(C)1997 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"The Sun fallen on the ground" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1997 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


What the fish bones told me (14) / 魚の骨が教えてくれたこと (14)


The preveous story(13) is shown on

If you suffer from a fish bone in your throat you got, all you have to do is to swallow a chunk of rice without chewing.

If you suffer from words choked up in your throat, all you have to do is to kiss the sweetest one you love and whisper the words tenderly at your sweetest one’s ear.

 Those are what the fish bones told me.

 I have been searching for the constellation Fish Bones.

 Thank you for a gold shooting star, the Fish Bones.
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved





(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved 
"Fish Bones / 魚の骨"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見られます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"Surprise! Surprise!"
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)2003 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album is avilable worldwide on iTunes and more!
And you can check other downlodable sites on here: http://www.sephastyle.com/e_link.html
(このアルバムはiTunes 等でワールドワイドにダウンロードをできます!
もしくは、こちらのサイトで: http://www.sephastyle.com/j_link.html )


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The color orange(13) / オレンジ色(13)


The preveous story(12) is shown on

When both the moon and the sun appear, the most intellectual orange color is born.
I heard the color orange is the most intellectual color on the earth.

The most intellectual act would be made with creativity which makes us possible to enjoy and appreciate our own lives through hard times and good times, and that is always brought with a lot of love.

Light is Fire and Fire is Light.
Dark is both the deep blue light and the deep blue fire.
In the dark, Intellect lain hidden is there, and the deep blue turns into the orange with love.

I heard the color orange is the most intellectual color on the earth.
I heard the most intellectual orange color is born when both the moon and the sun appear.
(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved




(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved
   "African Mask / アフリカン・マスク"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見られます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Baby-blue Sunshine(12) / ベビー・ブルー・サンシャイン(12)


The preveous story(11) is shown on

Delight in Zero gravity
I am walking on the ocean under the baby-blue sunshine.

Released my heart and soul, evolving faster more than at the speed in Mach,
and I could touch a supernal blue flower.

Everything unnecessary cast away
Now all I have is only what I create every day,
the people to share those with, and the delight derived from that.

Delight in Zero gravity
I am walking on the ocean under the baby-blue sunshine.
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved



(C)2010 Sepha-All Rights Reserved 
  "Rocket 7 / ロケット 7"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1993 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

"Mother Ocean" 
by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1995 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Singing for Rain(11) / 雨、雨、降れ、降れ(11)


The preveous story(10) is shown on

Raining outside,
Raining outside,
The comfy sound of the rain - with listening to the sound, I am soaking in a bathtub with the rain showering on me.

If the rain turns into the ocean, and then I will move on to go to the ocean in this boat, with taking my roses, and also with some bottles of red wine.
When it rains, a piano always floats down to me from above.
If all of my roses in this boat will be happy to listen to my playing the piano, I will play the piano on the ocean.
The sound of the piano always takes us to wherever we want, even to where we cannot distinguish between the ocean and the sky.

Raining outside,
Raining outside,
The comfy sound of the rain - With listening to the sound, I am soaking in a bathtub with the rain showering on me.

To all my roses, Cheers!
To music, Cheers!
To rain, Cheers!
To the piano always floating down to me every time it rains, Cheers!
To the golden rain showering into the light, Cheers!

Now, the Gemini's telephone is havig a glass of red wine.
The cosmic panda and the stars on the night sky, too.
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

( 雨が降る、雨が降る、雨音の心地よさ。




(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved
"Singing for rain/ 雨、雨、降れ、降れ"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1993 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)
Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1993 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloadig this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


The Geminin's Telephone(10) / ふたご座の電話(10)


The preveous story(9) is shown on

The stars started to blink on and off on the night sky, and then a night wind started to blow, and the music played by them on the sky was blown to the ground in the wind.

The cosmic panda started to get into a flurry.
“Oh!  The Gemini’s telephone is ringing, ringing!  I’ve gotta get it, get it!  Now I’ve gotta go, gotta go!  Well…Will you excuse me, excuse me?”

When the amber spot of light on the ground was gone, the music coming from the sky stopped, and the rain began.

Then the panda disappeared, and all the left in there was the Gemini’s telephone.
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

( 点滅し始める夜空の星たち。



(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved  
  "The Geminin's Telephone / ふたご座の電話"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1996 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album is avilable worldwide on iTunes and more!
And you can check other downlodable sites on here: http://www.sephastyle.com/e_link.html
(このアルバムはiTunes 等でワールドワイドにダウンロードをできます!
もしくは、こちらのサイトで: http://www.sephastyle.com/j_link.html )


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Cosmic Panda (9) / 宇宙のパンダ (9)


The preveous story(8) is shown on

A strange sun rises on the sky.
It's the world made by the orange keeping rolling on the ground.
When the sun sets, then a strange moon shows up and lights up the night sky.

 “What! Is that a fried egg?”
“Oh! That… that has its feet…!?”
“Gosh! It is walking… walking on the Sky!!”
The people astounded by watching the moon with its feet.

Suddenly an amber spot of light appeared on the ground.
Then emerged on the spot was a panda with its closed eyes inclining its head to the side, and said “That is a mystery also for me… But I also have. Mine are the Twin walking fried eggs.”

 When the panda opens its eyes, the sky got into the darkness.
“The sun appears always in half of myself, and the moon appears always in the other half of myself. I heard that when they walk on the sky, star children are born…, and I am one of the children, a cosmic panda…”
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

 ( おかしな太陽が空を昇る。。




(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved
"Cosmic Panda / 宇宙のパンダ"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 
"Born in the Ocean" 
by SEPHA(セファ)
(C)1998 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Paradise (8) / 楽園(8)


The preveous story(7) is shown on

Paradise to Paradise,
the migrant birds fly over,
with flowers and fruits of their owned.

A land after their flown over,
that will be filled with love always,
and turns into paradise newly born.

“ L i k e   s t a r   c h i l d r e n ,  
    f r e e    y o u r    m i n d ,  
    f r e e l y    r u n    t h r o u g h    t h e     s k y ”

The singing running through the sky with the wind,
which the paradise birds riding on,
will be brought to you after its turned into hearing things with a trick of a breeze calling you.
(C) 2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

( 楽園から楽園へ

『 星 の 子 供 た ち の よ う に
    解 き 放 て 心 を
    自 由 に 舞 え 天 空 を 』

(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved
"Paradise / 楽園"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved

To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)

Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1993 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

This album download will be avilable worldwide on late June 2010!


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html


Just 15 minutes / ほんの15分


15 minutes ago, I finished to take some photo of my roses in the indoor SEPHA garden.

"Do NOT turn around to look at me till I say "OK" to you, all right?"
the rose bud said to me.

( 15分前の出来事。室内SEPHA(セファ)ガーデンでバラの写真を撮り終えた。

『だ・る・ま・さ・ん・が、ころ・ん・・・だっ!! 』(バラのおしゃべり) 

The picture shown below is taken from the side.
( 横から見た感じ。)

The same rose bud photo taken from above.
 I kissed the rose bud after took those pictures,  
"Not yet ..." the rose bud said
 ( 『だ~・る・ま・さ~・ん・が~』 )

Then I turned around to look at her after I finished to grab a snack,
just in15 minutes or less.
! ! !

  The rose Yves Piaget flowered from the bud in 15 mintes... 

"Gosh! flowered!"
Actually I exactly went through the same thing twice within a month...

This rose flowers like Paeoniae Radix with really lots of the petals.
This is just a bigining of flowering for her, though it alway seems its full bloom at the first sight because of those much petals and the huge flower size.

Miss Yves seems to like to make me surprise.
In the flowering picture, she seems to laugh with speaking to me "Surprised?"
She is one of the sweetest roses in the indoor SEPHA garden that starts to bloom always after I kissed her. 

( 「え”~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!咲いてる~~~!」




The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: http://sephastyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-next-twin-albums-are-twin-fried-eggs.html