
Walking fried eggs(4) / 歩く目玉焼き(4)


The preveous story(3) is shown on

Chickens don’t fly in the air, but the walking fried eggs can do!
If the eyes of the walking fried eggs met someone’s, they start to sing songs…
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
( 鶏は空を飛ばないけど、歩く目玉焼きは空を飛べる!
目と目が合ったら、 歩く目玉焼きは歌いだす。)
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
"Q-baby / ベビーQ" Painted by SEPHA (C) 1996 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved

Chickens don’t fly in the air, but the walking fried eggs can do!
If the walking fried eggs are sing face-up, The sun will appear…
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
( 鶏は空を飛ばないけど、歩く目玉焼きは空を飛べる!
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
"The Circus Lion / 火の輪くぐり" Painted by SEPHA (C) 1993 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved

Chickens don’t fly in the air, but the walking fried eggs can do!
If the walking fried eggs are sing face-down, The moon will appear…
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
( 鶏は空を飛ばないけど、歩く目玉焼きは空を飛べる!
(C)2010 SEPHA-All Rights Reserved
"The Midsummer Night Sun / 真夏の夜の太陽"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1993 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved

To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、http://www.sephastyle.com/slideshow/paint/deploy/paint.html でも見れます。)


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)